Local and seasonal cuisine
Pleasant to the eye and mouth
We believe that the best ingredient for preparing food is our local produce.
Local farmers take great care to grow the vegetables served here.
Our beef is bred and produced locally.
You will enjoy savory Japanese cuisine such as Inaniwa-udon and Kiritampo.
You will definitely enjoy local culinary specialties, local foods from the Tohoku area, as well as local sake.
(Menu changes with the seasons.)
For vegetarian and macrobiotic meals contact us for consultation.
- 稲庭うどん 1,350円(税別)
- じゃこ飯 1,800円(税別)
- 秋田錦牛のロースト バルサミコソース 2,600円(税別)
- 八幡平ポークのコンフェ マスタードソース 2,500円(税別)
- 比内地鶏のグリル 柚子胡椒ソース 2,800円(税別)